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Universal Patient Rights Association (UPRA) in partnership with their Italian partner Active Citizenship Network (ACN) will be launching their European Union funded “Patients’ Voice” Project on Tuesday the 19th of April at 17:00 at the premises of the Association of Turkish Cypriot Journalists.

This Project aims to work towards the reduction of patients’ rights violations within the  Turkish Cypriot health care provision system, protect the fundamental human rights of patients and patients’ dignity and personal integrity, and specifically promote the improvement of the quality of health care within the Turkish Cypriot community by making heard the voice of patients

Raising awareness of the European Charter of Patients’ Rights

The project aims, through informing patients’ of the universal patients rights, to act as a pioneer in the protection of those specific rights in our community and to organise a series of activities to raise awareness of the European Charter of patients’ rights.

Project-related views and opinions of the Patient ‘s Voice Project Partners

Emete İmge – President of the Universal Patient Rights Association: “Patients ‘ rights are rights of all of us! ” Patients’ Voice” Project presents us with an opportunity for our voices to become an effective means of change within the health care system.  The necessity of a strong cooperation and a powerful dialogue between the stakeholders in our community to facilitate the understanding of patients’ rights , demanding of the rights, the reasoning of the health legal framework, the development of the application of these rights within the health administration are all included within the report prepared at the Workshop organised by the Health administration in northern part of Cyprus. We invite all stakeholders to cooperate and collaborate in order to create the necessary change  in this direction. “

Mariano Votta – Director of Active Citizenship Network (ACN), A Network of European Civic Organizations : “Active Citizenship Network (ACN) in partnership with civic societies and patient organizations are committed to strengthening the protection of patients’ rights in the European framework. At the same time, ACN strongly believes that empowered patients and their organisations are cost effective resources and not a financial burden and for this reason we have accepted to cooperate at national level in Cyprus with the Universal Patients’ Rights Association in the framework of the EU Patients’ Voice Project”.

We invite everyone interested in the subject to attend our launch event

All health organizations in particular, the media, the relevant stakeholders and all those interested in the issue are invited to the launch and inaugural event.